

India Once Ruled the Americas! by Gene D. Matlock BA, MA

Revealed at Last! The Old World orgins of our Native Americans

Book Description The people of India have long known that their ancestors once sailed to and settled in the Americas. They called America Patala, “The Under World,” not because they believed it to be underground, but because the other side of the globe appeared to be straight down. Now, at last, many mysteries about Ancient America, such as the identity of the Mexican Quetzalcoatl, the true origins of our Native Americans, etc., will be cleared up, once and for all.

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Our price: $14.95 Format: Paperback Size : 6 x 9 Pages: 200 ISBN: 0-595-13468-8 Published: Dec-2000

Native Indian stories and traces of Vedic civilization

Notes by JanM, November 2000 http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/connections.htm#5

General Vedic traces: universe originally dark and empty except for water, then a god creates earth, sun, stars, animals and people [cf. Brahma] earth and sky originally as one, later separated [cf. Dyaus & Prthvi] in the beginning there is often no sun, moon, stars or water; sometimes they are held captured by some envious beings. They must be tricked, usually by the Raven [cf. Rg Veda story of Indra fighting Vrtra demon] natural phenomena have personal forms (e.g. Lightning and Thunder man) devas on higher planets, personifying the planets, sometimes relating to humans, teaching them existence of underworld [cf. Bila-svarga], human origin there according to Apache lore shapeshifting of men and animals animals originally man-like (talking etc.), later they changed into their present forms flood of the world as G/god's punishment for evil behavior of people, few good people saved by warning, being instructed to build a kind of makeshift watercraft or to escape on mountains or other safe places, they also took onboard various animals and plants and later became ancestors of present humans [cf. Manu]


BearAndIndianWife: (Haida, British Columbia) bears previously people-like [cf. rkshas - ape/bears, yetti], crossbreeding possible

BirdSerpent: (Powhatan, Virginia) birds as visible spirits of the deceased [cf. Pitas fed through pinda offerings left on the ground for birds]

BlessingWay: (Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) chants and rituals revealed by higher beings, the mantra is a holy being satisfying devas

BuffaloWife: (Blackfoot, Alberta and Montana) revival of a man from a bone (cloning?)

ChangingWoman: (Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) children of devas grow up within a few days, deva is a planet's inner form [cf. Surya etc.]

CloudCatcher: (Ojibwa, Great Lakes) devas eat sacrificed animals, time scale difference between the heaven and earth

Creation: (Tlingit, southern Alaska coast) flood of the world, Raven in the role of savior, giant animals on earth (dinosaurs?), darkness in the beginning

DanceDead: (Luiseno, southern California) dead people turned into birds [cf. sraddha offering to birds; reincarnation mentioned]

EarthMaking: (Cherokee, Great Lakes, eastern Tennessee) flat earth, as an island on water, animals originally living on higher planets (see also SolitudeWalker)

Emergence: (Jicarilla Apache, northeastern New Mexico) darkness and winds at the beginning; earth - mother, sky - father; underworld origin of people

EveningStar: (Karasha, South America) a deva taught people to grow crops

FirstManFirstWoman: (Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) magic number 4

FishMonster: (Menomini, Wisconsin-Michigan) biblical Job & leviathan analogy

Flood: (Zuni, southwestern U.S.) sins punished by the flood

FloodOnSuperstitionMountain: (Pima, southwestern Arizona) sinful people killed by flood, only a virtuous shaman and his wife survived in an “ark”

GirlMarriedDog: (Cheyenne, Minnesota) sexual relations between humans and Pleiadeans

GreatFlood: (Salish/Cowichan, Pacific Northwest) flood of the world

GreatSerpent&Flood: (Chippewa, Ontario, Minnesota, Wisconsin) flood, people saved on a raft

GustOfWind: (Ojibwa, Great Lakes) earth as a woman [cf. Bhumi] (see also MotherOfAllPeople), crossbreeding of devas and humans

HowCornCameToEarth: (Kansas state?) in old times there were giants on earth, they stopped smoke sacrifice so God killed them by flood; people were told to hide in a large cave with all the animals, the cave was sealed from the floodwater, the people were lead out by a devi, taught various skills and wisdom and populated the earth

HowHopisReachedTheirWorld: (Hopi, southwestern U.S.) underworld [cf. Bila-svarga] origin of people, degradation of dharma makes things go worse (first appearance of death, plant cultivation progressively more difficult)

IntheBeginning: (Yuchi, southeastern U.S.) lower, middle and upper world [cf. Bila-svarga, Bhur-loka, Svarga-loka], extraordinary people and animals from the upper world visited the middle world but later returned home where they lived more comfortably

InvisibleOne: (Micmac, eastern Maritime Canada) Cinderella version

LandOfDead: (Serrano) time on death planet [cf. Yamaloka] moves slowlier than on earth (one day as one year)

Manabush: (Menomini, Wisconsin-Michigan) a deva took a human wife and became a mediator between devas and humans

ManWhoActedAsSun: (Bellacoola) devas' children grow very fast

MarriedRattlesnake: (Pomo, north central California) crossbreed between humans and snakes

MedicineMan: (Passamaquoddy, northwestern U.S.) who desires to live very long will become a tree [reincarnation mentioned]

MenVisitSky: (Seminole, Florida) earth has an edge (see also SolitudeWalker)

MeteorLegends: (Ojibwa, Great Lakes) Native Americans lived together with giant animals (dinos?) who were destroyed by a comet

MicMacCreation: (Micmac, eastern Maritime Canada) sacrificed animals brought back to life by the Great Spirit

MonsterSlayer: (Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) a deva keeping his heart, nerves, breath and blood in different places outside of his body [cf. Mahiravana, brother of Ravana]

Moon: (?) sun is a being like ourselves

MorningStar: (Great Plains) humans joining devas in marriage in heaven, planets as persons

Nisqually: (Nisqually, Puget Sound, Washington) sinful people punished by the flood, a deva determined the women to be subservient to men, Pandora's box analogy

NorthStar: (Paiute, southwestern U.S.) high central mountain in the universe [cf. Sumeru]

OldWomanSpring: (Cheyenne, Minnesota) parallel dimension behind the waterfall as the original place of buffalo and corn

Opossum: (Cherokee, Great Lakes, eastern Tennessee) previously the deer had sharp teeth [cf. ferocious deer of Ramayana]

OriginAnimals: (Apache, southwestern U.S.) Apache origins in underworld [cf. Bila-svarga]

OriginOfCuring: (White Mountain Apache, southwestern U.S.) healing songs [cf. mantras] revealed to people by the Creator

OriginOfSweatLodge: (Blackfeet/Piegan, Montana) a man taken to higher planets to learn

ReleaseOfAnimals: (Comanche, southwestern U.S.) buffalo were kept from the people by an evil being [cf. demon Vrtra of Rg Veda keeping heavenly cows in a cave], they were released by Coyote's trick (see also EmpoundedWater)

ScabbyOne: (Toltec, Mexico) world destroyed because of people's sins (karma)

SeekYourFather: (Seneca, northwestern U.S.) Sun living on a high mountain [cf. Sumeru] in the east

Shonto: (Anasazi-Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) punishment for adharma by the devas

SnakeBrothers: (Sioux/Dakota, South Dakota) men turned into snakes, living underground, friendly relationship with people

SpiritLand: (general info) astral travel of shamans, exorcism

SunMoonStars: (Navajo/Dine, southwestern U.S.) people originating from the lower world [cf. Bila-svarga]; sun - male, moon - female; Milky Way as the path for the spirits between earth and heaven [cf. devayana] (see also OwlHusband, StoneMother)

TheFaster: (Winnebago, Wisconsin-Michigan) the devas and spirits can't grant immortality (see also HuntingMedicine)

TheftOfLight: (Tsimshian, British Columbia) analogy of Garuda stealing nectar from heaven and Prometheus stealing fire

ThunderBird: (northwestern Coast) thunderbird analogous to Garuda

ThunderGods: (Dakota) analogies of Jupiter/Indra

TotemAnimals: (general info) totem animals in both Siberia and North America

TwinsAlterBook: (Winnebago, Wisconsin-Michigan) a deva in charge of dead keeps a book of life [cf. Yama/Citragupta]

TwoGhostlyLovers: (Dakota, South Dakota) a violent death indicates a man will turn into ghost [cf. Garuda Purana, Preta-khanda]

TwoJeebiUg: (Chippewa, Ontario, Minnesota, Wisconsin) hospitality rewarded

WellBakedMan: (Pima, southwest Arizona) Creator made humans according to his own form, breathing life into their bodies [cf. prana]

WhiteBuffalo: (Lakota, Great Plains) a devi teaches a prayer

WhiteBuffaloWoman: (Lakota, Dakota, Great Plains) a sacred buffalo [cf. Dharma bull] losing a leg in each age [cf. yuga], when he loses all four the Earth will be inundated

WhiteDeer: (Chickasaw, middlewestern U.S.) a ferocious deer [cf. deer of Ramayana]

WhoIsStrongest: (Zuni, southwestern U.S.) similar to a Vedic story

WhyStars: (Eskimo/Inuit) stars are living beings, world has an edge, planet Jupiter wards off an evil

WomanFell: (Seneca, northwestern U.S.) people came from the higher planets; original water in the universe [cf. Garbhodaka], Earth is made from the soil of its bottom; animals were originally bigger and later made small

FloodStories: in old times an old man came to Muysca tribe (Colombia) and taught them agriculture, crafts, religion, and government [cf. dharmas of the four varnas]

Shuar (Andes) tribe legend analogous to Arjuna & Ulupi story


Miracle Buffalo American Indian Story www.kstrom.net/isk/arvol/whitbuff.html

Mythology and Folklore www.pibburns.com/mythfolk.htm

Native American Lore Index www.ilhawaii.net:80/~stony/loreindx.html

Native American Traditional Storytelling www.hanksville.org/storytellers/

Native American Wisdom www.angelfire.com/ca/Indian/stories.html

Raven: Pacific Northwest Tales www.eldrbarry.net/rabb/rvn/rvn.htm

Stonee's Buffalo Part I www.ilhawaii.net:80/~stony/buffalo.html

Other Natural Resources Vedik understanding of universe Flowers of vedik chant An understanding of flowers Send flowers Understanding the natural world

Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 07:09:22 -0000

 From: "vrnparker" <vrnparker@yahoo.com>

Subject: India's Links with Ancient America

India's Cultural Link with Ancient America

Swami Vivekananda once said about the God Shiva that he had traveled from India, on the one side, to Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Australia, as far as the shores of America, and on the other side, this old Shiva battened his bull in Tibet, Japan and as far as Siberia … Right from the peroid of first Spanish historist Mr. Fray Shahaun (1515AD) till today, a number of scholars have worked over the life of native Americans and some of them almost came to the conclusion that in ancient times people from India and the Indiana archipelago migrated to America and developed a great civilization there. In his book 'A Compact History of Mexico', Mr. Ignacio Bernall states that people from Asia entered America some thirty-five thousand years before, whereas Mr. Arcio Nuns, a Brazilian nuclear scientist, mentions about the Dravidians of Asia with America as old as eleven thousand years. An article published in the 'Hindu' of 27th Sept. 1985 writes about the discovery made by Dr. Harry Fell, renowned epigraphist of USA goes to suggest that the early merchant settlers of South-East Asia had sailed to far off lands in pursuit of their profession, whose presence in Mexico is available in the form of inscriptions. Dr. Fell has deciphered the Indic inscription from Tihosuco which reads that merchant Vusaluna, the captain of the ship, sailing along the coast line, had got the inscription engraved on the stone slab in the month of July of the year 845. It is assumed that year mentioned is of Saka era.

Cultural Links: Worship - The archaeologists found many Hindu deities like Shiva, Shiv-Linga, Ganesh, Kali, Sun, Buddha etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshipped in ancient America. The Hindu God of luck, the Ganesh, was worshipped in Central-South America. Idols of Ganesh have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This God of the Elephant's trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican manuscripts and in the temple ruins in Central America as the God with a proboscis-like horn, whence water is squirting, and his head is most frequently portrayed on the corners of temple walls, which are always built with reference to the original points. And idol of 'Ekdant Ganesh' was noticed in the temple at Kopan by great Indonologist late Dr. W.S. Wakankar. An idol of Hanuman called by the name 'Wilka Huemana' and measuring 50 feet in height and 12 feet in breadth was found in Guatemala. Similar idol was found during an excavation of an Aztec temple in Mexico city and was known as 'Euhectal', a wind God, a monkey God. Buddhism also had a vast influence on pre-Colombian America. Professor F.W. Putnam found in the jungles of Honduras a sculpture which greatly resembles Buddha. According to the July, 1901 issue of American Harper's magazine, it has been proved with evidence that five Buddhist monks had reached Mexico in ancient times, via Alaska.

Ceremonies, Beliefs and Customs : Hindu culture, civilization, custom and belief also dominated ancient America to some extent. Ancient Americans believed in legendary cataclysm, rebirth, four yugas and the concept of two planets like Rahu and Ketu causing solar eclipse. The Hindu doctrine of the ages is preserved in a stone monolith popularly known as the Aztec calendar. This remarkable piece of stone carving is in the form of an immense disc 12 feet in diameter and weights over 20 tons. A festival called Sita-Ram (Situa-Raimi) was celebrated in Mexico during Nav-Ratri or Desserah's period which has been described on page 5867 in the book 'Hamsworth History of the World'. Both in Central and South America, there are found Sati-Cremation, priesthood, Gurukul system, Yagnya, birth, marriage and death ceremonies to some extent similar to the Hindus.

Social life : The ancient American's dresses (male and female) were simple and similar to those of Hindu dresses. Mexican face types were found to be similar to those of Asam, Naga, Nepal and Haryana people. Even their reddish brown skin complexion bear distinct similarity with those of Nepalies and Nagas. If an Indian is shown a Maya lady of Yucatan province from Mexico, he will recognize her as a Jat Lady of Haryana. Ayar Inoa King used to wear a turban, earring and a trishul type trident in his hand. Today there live native red Indians of America in the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico who are now left only few lacs in number. These tribes are still vegetarians. Similarly, only two lacs natives are survived in Canada who are still called as 'Indians'. Their lifestyle, customs, and beliefs are identical to those of red Indians, so similar to Bhartiya.

Trade : Goldsmiths from Peru and Mexico prevailed working style similar to Indian traditional goldsmiths. Mr. Michael Long of the National Geographic Society was surprised to see the back strap weaving method in Handloom at Santa Rosa of Peru. This is used to separate thread. It is very well known that cotton is a gift given by Indians to the whole world.

Language: Professor Raman Mena, curator of the National Museum of Mexico, said that the general appearance of Maya's writing is considered of oriental origin. According to scholar Orozco V. Berra, Maya and other languages are of Sanskrit origin. A few Sanskrit and Quichua words are given here to show their similarity and origin.

Quichua Sanskrit A hina (also) ena (also) Killa (moon) Kil (shining) Illapi (chant) lap (to speak) Paksa (fortnight) Paksha (Fortnight)

The word 'Wara', a unit of measurement, was also used by Maya people. They used to call Antyas as Antis. Professor Hug Fox of Michigan State University found a strange mix of Tamil and local American languages in use some millennia ago. For example, shasta, Indiana, Arevada, Utah, Guyana etc. Mr. Arcio Nuns, from the Federal University of Brazil, found evidence of our Gorani language in the form of Bruhi language during his long research work conducted in South America. 'Gorani' language was practiced thousands of years before in Tamilnandu as per Arcio Nuns. This language is still used in the Adi-Chandlur tribal area of Tamilnanadu and shows similarity to the Bruhi language being practiced in South America. It is also believed that Quichua's (language of Peruvians) characteristic of mouth transmission is derived from Indians. Writing mathematical figures by using vertical and horizontal straight lines was a system commonly practiced by Indians and Mayas

Shilpa : Southern and Central American excavations revealed ancient cities, forts, bridges, tanks, canals, houses, and pyramids which indicated the high state of civilization and what is found that some sculptures of those archaeological remnants are similar in form and design to that found in Indian sculptural monuments. 'Supporting the buildings over the arms of Yaksha' is an Indian art. Similar types of construction was found in ancient Mexico. Similarly, sculptures of human figures with headgear similar to Tamilians, sculptures of Indian style ornamentation of elephants were found in Copan (Honduras) and Palenque. Thousands of ancient baked-clay bricks were found in Comalcalco in Mexico over which Pali scripts were engraved and these were used in the construction of pyramid temples which were similar to the pyramid temple in the Chidambaram village situated on the Coromondal coast in Southern India. In an article written by scholar Ronald Shiller named 'Unsolved Mysteries of! the Incas' appeared in Reader's Digest of August 1982, he claims to have seen the imprints of South-East Asian culture over the sculptures found in Peru dating to the second century BC. I hope my findings will help the scholars to study the influence of Indian Culture over the Meso-American culture, so as to bring before the world the universality of great Vedic culture in the past.

(Arun Chinchmalatpure)

Shri Arun Chinchmalatpure Near Primary School, Kelibag Road, Mahal Nagpur - 440 002 India

Extract from Another Written Text Source: ??? The fact that a highly civilized race inhabited America long before the modern civilization of Europe made its appearance there, is quite clear from the striking remains of ancient and his refinement existing in the country. Extensive remains of cities which must have been once in a most flourishing condition, of strong and well-built fortresses, as well as the ruins of very ancient and magnificent buildings, roads, tanks and canals that meet the eye over a very wide area of the southern continent of America, irresistibly force us to the conclusion that the country must have been inhabited at one time by a very highly civilized nation. But whence did this civilization spring?

The researches of European antiquarians trace it to India. Mr. Coleman says : “Baron Humboldt, the great German traveler and scientist, describes the existence of Hindu remains still found in America”

Speaking of the social usages of the inhabitants of Peru, Mr. Pococke says : “The Peruvians and their ancestors, the Indians, are in this point of view at once seen to be the same people.” The architecture of ancient America resembles the Hindu style of architecture. Mr. Hardy says “The ancient edifices of Chichen in Central America bear a striking resemblance to the tops of India.” Mr. Squire also says : “The Buddhist temples of Southern India, and of the islands of the Indian archipelago, as described to us by the learned members of the Asiatic Society and the numerous writers on the religion and antiquities of the Hindus, correspond with great exactness in all their essential and in many of their minor features with those of Central America.” Dr. Zerfii remarks : “We find the remarkable temples, fortresses and viaducts, aqueducts of the Aryan group.”

A still more significant fact proves the Hindu origin of the civilization of ancient America. The mythology of ancient America furnishes sufficient grounds for the inference that it was a child of Hindu mythology. The following facts will elucidate the matter :-

Americans worshipped Mother Earth as a mythological deity, as the Hindus still do ­ dharti mata and pritvi mata are well known ad familiar phrases in Hindustan.

Footprints of herces and deities on rocks and hills were worshipped by the Americans as devoutly as they are done in India even at the present day. Mexicans are said to have worshipped the footprints of Quetzal Coatle, a the Indians worship the footprints of Buddha in Ceylon, and of Krishna in Gokal near Muttra.

The Solar and Lunar eclipses were looked upon in ancient America in the same light as in modern India. The Hindus beat drums and make noises by beating tin pots and other things. The Americans, too, raise a frightful howl and sound musical instruments. The Carecles (Americans) think that the demon Maleoyo, the hater of light, swallows the moon and sun in the same way as the Hindus think that the demons Rahu and Ketu devous the sun and the moon.

The priests were represented in America with serpents round their heads, as Siva, Kali, and others are represented by the Hindus.

Ancient Heritage of Tamils V.G. Ramachandran Have we not evidence that the ancient Cholas discovered South America long before Columbus did and that the Inca Sun Worshippers of Peru are none but the descendants of “our Chola ancestors” (vide Neelakanta Sastri-History of S. India and M. Monohan's “Chola's in America 1976” ­ pp11-20). The Incas had their Temple of the Sun God (Peru) much like the one in Konarak in Orissa built by the Cholas. The Chola chieftains (Incas) of America styled themselves as “Raghuvamsa Manickam”. This shows that they belonged to the Raghuvamsa of Sri Rama whose ancestor Sibi Chakravarthi is well described in ancient Tamil literature as the Chola king Sembian. This takes us to a very relevant inference that the ancestors of Dasaratha are as much the ancestors of the Tamils. One other ancestor of Sri Rama, Musu Kunthan, is none other than the Musu Kuntha Chola in ancient Tamil history. This Musu Kunthan's reighn was during the second ! Tamil Sangam age 4800-2800 BC.

 Hindu Origins of Olmecs // Viewzone

Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 09:22:51 -0200

 From: "Dean" <0108@terra.com.br>

Subject: Hindu Origins of Olmecs – Viewzone

    By Gene D. Matlock
    There's an old saying: "Everybody loves a mystery." Unfortunately, the rapid development of computers, which is uniting all the world and its acquired knowledge in one vast network, is making mysteries scarcer than hens' teeth. Mutual similarities between many languages and cultures in various parts of the world are becoming more and more apparent.
    During the 17th century, the famous orientalist Edward Pococke noticed a disturbing similarity between classical Greek and Sanskrit. In his book, India in Greece, he showed that nearly all the place and tribal names of the Greeks had their similar correspondences in Northern India, especially in Afghanistan. The 18th century English scholar, William Jones, discovered the similarity of Sanskrit with many European languages, including Greek and Latin. Godfrey Higgins also supported their views in his two volume work, Anacalypsis. They and other distinguished linguists of the time concluded that non-Africanoid mankind probably originated in India, the Near East, and Siberia. These 17th and 18th century scholars were able to show that place, tribal, and religious names tended to stay the same, no matter how far certain ancient tribes dispersed themselves in different parts of the earth.
    In the 1900s, Mexican scholars noted that the Nahuatl language is derived from Sanskrit. Even the word Nahua derives from the Sanskrit word for "sailor:" Nava or Navaja. Like their brother Allemans in Germany, the Olmecs could pronounce "V" only as "W."
    Later on in the 20th century, in keeping with rising ethnocentrism in the world, many biased scholars tried to discredit the 17th and 18th century pioneers in linguistics, saying that words in one language, sounding alike and having similar meanings in other languages, did not prove that these languages were related. They created a pseudoscience called "Historical Linguistics."
    For nearly all the last half of the 20th century, these historical linguists held sway over the minds of historians and archeologists, much to the delight of those "noble savages" wanting to think of their respective ethnicities and cultures as "original." Non-diffusionism was in. Diffusionism was out. Diffusionists were labeled as racially biased for wanting to discredit the "noble savages." But not all the "noble savages" sided with the non-diffusionists; they began to feel left out of the human race. Some began to ask, "Did I evolve from a species of ape completely different from the bonomo chimp from whom the rest of mankind descends?" The suspicion that they might somehow not have a common origin with other humans drove many of them to drink and perdition.
    Thanks to the increasing cultural compression of the world, archeologists and linguists are concluding that men like Edward Pococke, William Jones, and Godfrey Higgins were right after all. The historical linguists and non-diffusionist archeologists are beginning to retire or change professions.
    The Olmecs - Proof of Diffusion?
    A favorite superstition of non-diffusionists and historical linguists is the mystery of the origin of the Olmecs. They appear not to notice the nearly exact similarities between the ancient peoples of Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Rajasthan, etc., a part of India called Sivapuri, and the Meso-American Olmecs. I cannot understand or empathize with this type of non-awareness.
    In ancient Northern India, a religio-political savant was known as Ma-gul, Mo-gul or Ul-mag, which meant "The Great God Ul." The syllables were interchangeable.
    They were also called Eu-lama or Eu-rama (Aram), according to the different tribes' ability to pronounce "R" and "L." Eu = "Great." Rama/Lama = "Priest." Even today, among the Moslems, an Ulama or Ulema is a religious scholar and leader. There was even an ancient Near Eastern nation named Elam.
    These distinguished priest scholars were additionally called Ul-man, Olman, or Ul-manu. meaning "Deified Sovereigns of the Earth."
    When the non-Africanoid races of mankind left India for other parts of the world, the Ul-mags continued to call themselves Alleman (Germans), Aramean or Aramaic, and Olman, Ulmak or Olmek, in ancient Mexico. It is significant to note that the Phoenician sailor-traders had many names, one of which was Aram (Aramean). The Huichol Indians of Nayarit, Mexico call the port of San Blas Aramara, named after the India-Indian port they left on their voyage to America. Could this account for the name of the Nahuas?
    The bible mentions that Solomon imported Almug trees from Sophir which was part of the northwestern coast of India: Sauvira. Scholars tell us that the Almug was really the Sandalwood tree. I'm not disputing that, but I am wondering why the Olmecs called the rubber tree Ulama(k). Just as the India-Indian Almug tree was held to be extremely sacred among the ancient Hindus, so also did the Olmecs revere the sacredness of the Ulama(k) tree.
    A Sanskrit name for a particularly viscous sap is Urj. The Olmecs called the sap of their Ulama(k) tree Olli/Ulli. Olli was regarded as a sacred substance of life, like blood. Often, Olli sounded like Ollin because the Nahua-speaking people tended to nasalize the last syllable.
    As I have stated, the Olmecs probably could pronounce "R" only as "L." The double "LL" in Spanish is regarded as a separate letter, sounding like Elye or Eljeh, according to the dialect being spoken. For instance, the Argentinians pronounce "Y" plus a vowel, as "J." For that reason, what the ancient Ul-mags or Mo-guls of Afghanistan called Urj, the Olmecs pronounced as Olji/Ulji.
    Ulama - the ball game of life and death
    The Olmecs played a type of sacred ball game, the name of which was the same as their sacred tree: Ulama. This holy ball game was played by all the Indians of the American Southwest, as far as the northern borders of South America itself.
    For this and other reasons, I have long thought that the Olmecs were among the original settlers of the American Southwest, where they became known as the Hohokams and O'odhams, as I so state in my book, From Khyber (Kheeber) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira), NM and Baboquivari, AZ -- When India Ruled the World!
     Ulama was known as "The Game of Life and Death." It was played in ceremonies symbolizing the creation of the world and the struggle for supremacy between the forces of good and evil; day and night; life and death. The game was so sacred that losers were decapitated. The ruins one of the ancient Southwestern Hohokam ball courts can be seen at the archeological site near Casa Grande, Arizona. The Hohokam civilization, as well as its buildings, was truly splendid, with great mud-packed buildings several stories high, manmade lagoons, canals, and fields of corn, bean, squash, and chiles. However, its buildings long ago melted back into the earth; its lakes and canals became buried in desert sand. Archeologists in Arizona tell me that Hohokam ruins can be found throughout Southern Arizona, but they usually bury them again after they have been excavated and examined.
    Noting that Ulama was not just an ordinary game, the Spaniards prohibited it after the Conquista. However, the Spanish fathers in Central and Northern Mexico, as well as those in Southwestern United States, allowed it to exist as a secular sport. Gradually, the game died in popularity, but it is still the favorite game of many Indians and mestizo villagers in Central and Northern Mexico. Tourists traveling in Mexico often see this game being played in villages near Mazatlan, such as Escuinapa. Ulama is presently increasing in popularity, promising to again become one of Mexico's favorite national sports.
    More Evidence of Asian - American Contact:
    Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Uzbekistan
    A joint expedition of Russian and Uzbek archaeologists has discovered several ancient pyramids in Uzbekistan. According to the scientists, these 15-metre high constructions may be at least 2,700 years old. The ancient pyramids were discovered in a remote mountains area, in the Kashkadaryin and Samarkand regions in the south of the country, according to the BBC quoting from Pravda. Archaelogists state that the discovered pyramids are similar to the ones of Giza, Egypt, but in contrast to them, Uzbek pyramids have a flat surface, resembling those found in Central America. According to the experts, thanks to their remoteness, the pyramids were not taken to pieces to serve as building material in later epochs. According to archaeoligists, if the constructions are really pyramids, this is a very important discovery, since nothing of the kind has been found in this area before. Now, the task of the scientists is to establish a chronology and examine known local cultures, to ascertain the purpose of these constructions, tombs, temples, or something else. (Pravda, June 19, 2002.)
    The Walls of ancient Khiva [pictured above], Uzbukistan, one of the oldest living cities on earth. Like the buildings of the Southwestern American Indians, Khiva's walls and buildings are made of packed mud and adobe, even having the appearance of some types of Southwestern Puebloan architecture.
    I have much more evidence that the Olmecs were from Sivapuri. It would be good if the non-diffusionists and historical linguists could show me where I have gone wrong!

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Hindus Help Write Bible,Give Ancient Mexicans their Traditions?

Did the Hindus Help Write the Bibleand Give the Ancient Mexicans Their Religious Traditions?

By Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

When I was a child, my parents were, for a while, members of a Fundamentalist Christian sect called The Nazarenes. It was not a fun church. I escaped from it at age twelve, just when puberty and interest in girls set in.

Though they tried to make me stay in that church, Mom and Dad could not weaken my determination to leave it. However, I did enjoy a certain short song that all the Nazarene children had to learn by heart: Jesus Loves Me, This I know, for the Bible Tells Me So! Had I known then what I know now, I would've sung it this way: The Bible Comes From India, This I Know, for the Hindu Vedas and Puranas Tell Me So!

The following account, taken from the Hindu Matsya Purana (Fish Chronicle), describes some of the people who, after a severe flood, left India for other parts of the world:

To Satyavarman, that sovereign of the whole earth, were born three sons: the eldest Shem; then Sham; and thirdly, Jyapeti by name.They were all men of good morals, excellent invirtue and virtuous deeds, skilled in the use of weapons to strike with, or to be thrown; brave men, eager for victory in battle.

But Satyavarman, being continually delighted with devout meditation, and seeing his sons fit for dominuion, laid upon them the burdens of government.

Whilst he remained honouring and satisfying the gods, and priests, and kine, one day, by the act of destiny, the king, having drunk mead

Became senseless and lay asleep naked. Then, was he seen by Sham, and by him were his two brothers called:

To whom he said, “What now has befallen? In what state is this our sire?” By these two he was hidden with clothes, and called to his senses again and again.

Having recovered his intellect, and perfectly knowing what had passed, he cursed Sham, saying, “Thou shalt be the servant of servants.”

And since thou wast a laugher in their presence, from laughter thou shalt acquire a name. Then he gave Sham the wide domain on the south of the snowy mountains.

And to Jyapeti he gave all on the north of the snowy mountains; but he, by the power of religious contemplation, attained supreme bliss.

If you have read the Jewish or Christian bible, can you guess who Satyavarman, Shem, Sham, and Jyapeti were? Were Satyavarman and his sons our Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japhet? The Old Testament tells us that Satyavarman (Noah) got drunk by imbibing wine made from his vines in what is now Armenia, near Mt. Ararat. But I'm absolutely sure that my Hindu readers would know from where this story originated.

In Sanskrit, Satya-Varman means “Protector of Truth; Protector of the Righteous.” Varman often occurs at the end of the names of Kshatriyas (Hereditary Hindu Leadership Caste). Shem/Sem means “An Assembly.” According to White racists(s), Ham was turned black as punishment for lacking in respect for his father. The Christian Fundamentalists insist that Sham fathered the Africans. It was this superstition that helped perpetuate the institution of slavery in our antebellum (pre-Civil War) South. Jyapeti became the “God of the Sun” or the Christian, Jewish, Assyrian, Greek and Roman Jupiter and Jahve or Jehovah. For the Hindus, he is Dyaus Pitar, mankind's first known manifestation of God Shiva.

Satyavarman told Sham that he would acquire a name from laughter. Two of the two tribes descended from Sham were the Ha-Ha and Ho-Ho. They later migrated to other parts of the world. Ha-Ha(am)/Ham, meaning “The Ha people,” were among the founders of Egypt. Other descendants of Sham, the Hohokam, settled in the American Southwest. Kam derives from the Sanskrit Gana, meaning “Tribe.” Hohokam = “The Ho-Ho Tribe.” Notice that both groups were desert people. Another tribe that first settled in the American Southwest were the Anazazi, known in ancient India as Anaza-zi (The Undestroyed and Living God Shiva).

The Jewish Noah's Ark legend appears to be a mixture of three Hindu flood myths: Satyavarman, Vaivasvata, and Nahusha. The Mahabharata states:

“The progeny of Adamis and Hevas (Adam and Eve) soon became so wicked that they were no longer able to coexist peacefully. Brahma therefore decided to punish his creatures “Vishnu” [right] ordered Vaivasvata to build a ship for himself and his family. When the ship was ready, and Vaivasvata and his family were inside with the seeds of every plant and a pair of every species of animal, the big rains began and the rivers began to overflow.” Not only are the names of the main players in the Noah story the same as the family of Satyavarman, but, like the Vaivasvata part that the Old Testament authors plagiarized from the Mahabharata, the rains fell for forty days and forty nights. According to the Vaivasvata story, Shem's name is Manu; Ham or Sham is Nabhanedistha; Japhet is Yayati or Dyaus-Pitar (Jupiter or the Hebrew Jehovah).

The third “Noah” was a deity named Dyaus-Nahusha. We Westerners call him Dionysius or Bacchus. Bacchus derives from the Sanskrit Bagha, meaning “God the Androgynous.” When a great flood destroyed the world, Nahusha left India in order to restore civilization to mankind. He also left India for another reason which I'll relate in another part of this article. One of the places where he stopped was a small island city state called Sancha Dwipa (Sancha Island), where the citizens built their homes out of seashells.

The Hindu historian Paramesh Choudhury wrote in his book, The India We Have Lost, that Sancha Dwipa was an Egyptian island. However, there is a small Mexican island town just off the Pacific coast in Nayarit state, Mexcaltitan, where the preconquest citizens built their homes out of seashells. According to Toltec mythology, Mexcaltitan [right] was the Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl's port of entry into Mexico. In Hindu mythology, Nahusha and God Vishnu are in close association. Vishnu is often pictured as floating on a raft of snakes [ left]. He also holds a conch hand in his hand. The Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl was also pictured as floating on a raft of snakes. Conch shells adorned his temples. One drawing of Quetzalcoatl shows him wearing a necklace of conch shells.

But the Mexican anomalies don't stop here.

The pre-Aztec Toltecs were also called Nahoa and Nahua. Nahua tribes did, and still do, extend even into South America. Since the Toltecs could not pronounce “V,” I ask myself whether the words Nahoa and Nahua derive from the Sanskrit Nava, meaning “Ship; Boat.” The word “Toltec” also appears to derive from the Sanskrit word for “Descendant of the Upper World Nation”: Tal-Toka. Quetzalcoatl's original homeland was Tlapallan (See my article about Atlantis). This could derive from the Sanskrit Tala-Pala (The Upper World Land of Pala), another name of the Indian state of Bihar. Even the stories of the lives of Dyaus-Nahusha and Quetzalcoatl are similar. Dyaus-Nahusha was banished from India for getting drunk and raping the wife of the legendary Hindu philosopher Agastya. Quetzalcoatl was banished getting drunk and raping his own daughter. I can provide even more proofs that Nahusha and Quetzalcoatl were the same individual. It's easy to prove that India once colonized Mexico. The hard part is keeping ourselves brainwashed to remain blind to this fact!

More than twenty years ago, when I first started investigating these matters, some Fundamentalist Christians scolded me: “What can you gain by proving that all the religions and cultures of the world copied their religious traditions from the Hindus?”

I answered, “Well, you're always saying that someone should go to India and save the Hindus' poor lost souls. O.K, you win. I'm doing it!”

COMMENTS? noah@ viewzone.com noah@viewzone.com http://www.viewzone.com/noah.story.html

 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 01:19:24 -0000
 From: "vrnparker" <vrnparker@yahoo.com>

Subject: American Indian Mounds Mystify Archeologists

Indian Mounds Mystify Archeologists By Michelle Delio Wired News 10-22-4

COLLINSVILLE, Illinois – A thousand years ago along the banks of the Mississippi River, in what is currently southeast Illinois, there was a city that now mystifies both archeologists and anthropologists.

At its zenith, around A.D. 1050, the city that is now called Cahokia was among the largest metropolitan centers in the world. About 15,000 people lived in the city, with another 15,000 to 20,000 residing in its surrounding “suburbs” and outlying farmlands. It was the region's capital city, a place of art, grand religious rituals and science.

But by 1300, the city had become a ghost town, its carefully built structures abandoned and its population dispersed.

Archeologists continue to comb what is now the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, looking for clues that will tell them what happened here – why the city and its culture vanished and why the people who lived here built more than a hundred earthen mounds, many of which are still scattered across the countryside.

Cahokia is not the historical name of this city; the current name comes from the native people who were living in the area when French explorers arrived in the early 1600s. The city's authentic name – the name given to it by its creators – is lost to time, as its residents did not appear to have a written language.

But what really puzzles archeologists and anthropologists is that there are no legends, no records, no mention whatsoever of the once-grand city in the lore of any of the tribes – Osage, Omaha, Ponca and Quapaw – that are believed to be the direct descendents of the city's builders.

This odd silence on the matter of Cahokia has led some experts to theorize that something particularly nasty happened there. Possibilities include an ugly struggle for power following a leader's death, a government gone berserk, droughts, a period of very cold weather that killed the crops, disease…. All have been put forth as reasons for Cahokia's demise.

Whatever happened, it was bad enough that people just wanted to forget Cahokia, according to Tim Pauketat, an associate professor of archeology at the University of Illinois, who is excavating at Cahokia.

Despite its hard-luck reputation, the Cahokia site feels immensely peaceful today. There's no whiff of angst from an unsettled spirit world, no sense that anything awful happened here.

The 2,200-acre site contains the central portion of what had been roughly a 4,000-acre city. Scattered across the site are about 68 human-made mounds of various sizes, some no more than a gentle rise on the land, others reaching 100 feet toward the sky.

Originally, there might have been more than 120 mounds, but the locations of only 109 have been recorded. Many were altered or destroyed over the last three centuries by farming and construction projects.

The Cahokians made three different types of mounds – pyramid-shaped (with flat tops upon which important officials' houses and ceremonial lodges were built), ridge-topped and conical. The latter two were used for burials of wealthy citizens and sacrificial victims.

Monks Mound, Cahokia's biggest mound, is a pyramid mound that rises 100 feet from its 14-acre base. Visitors can reach the top by climbing the 141 stairs that pass through the mound's three tiers. Archeologists have found that a large building – 105 feet long, 48 feet wide and about 50 feet high – was once positioned on top of the mound. It's believed to have been the home of Cahokia's rulers.

Radiocarbon sampling of the earth that makes up the mound, as well as tools and other artifacts discovered within it, indicates it took 250 years to build Monks Mound, from around A.D. 900 to 1150. The mound was constructed by hauling 22 million cubic feet of dirt from pits located a mile or so away. The dirt was piled into baskets and dragged to the site by workers.

Cahokia also contains five “woodhenges,” circles of erect posts that served as celestial calendars, marking the seasonal solstices and equinoxes.

Cahokia is exceptional for its size and complex city structure, but it is not unique. Seventeen centuries ago, the Midwest was covered with hundreds of such precisely aligned astronomical markers and mounds.

These structures survived for close to two millennia before most were plowed over in the 19th century, paved over in the 20th century or destroyed by archaeologists digging to recover artifacts such as pipes, pottery and other religious relics.

A team from the University of Cincinnati's Center for the Electronic Reconstruction of Historical and Archaeological Sites, has been virtually piecing together the fragments of the immense existing earthworks built by three other prehistoric Native American cultures – the Adena, Hopewell and Fort Ancient peoples – in the area that now comprises Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. The people who built Cahokia were of the Mississippian culture.

Using archaeological data gleaned from remote-sensing devices that can detect remains below the ground, and infrared aerial photographs and satellite images to figure out where the earthworks had been located and what they looked like, the University of Cincinnati team is virtually rebuilding the mounds, using standard architectural rendering software. The result will be interactive programs that show how the river valleys of the Midwest would have looked when the mounds were new.

At Cahokia, most of the mounds still exist, though some were destroyed before the site was protected. Two mounds that provided a clear view of a drive-in movie theater's screen several miles away were removed in the 1960s to stop people from watching films for free.

Anthropologists said it's critical to preserve the mounds, which contain many clues about Cahokian culture. While no longer in danger of being leveled for commercial purposes, the mounds are fragile and subject to environmental degradation. State budget cuts have made it difficult to ensure that rain doesn't wash away the remnants of what is the only known prehistoric Indian city north of Mexico.

A recent excavation of a small ridge-top mound – Mound 72 – exposed the bodies of nearly 300 people, mostly young women believed to be sacrificial victims, who'd been buried in mass graves. Nearby is the burial site of a man believed to have been a ruler, about 45 years of age, whose body lies on a blanket of more than 20,000 shell beads, surrounded by piles of arrow tips from tribes that inhabited the present-day states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin. They were presumably given as a tribute to the deceased.

Archeologists believe other bodies buried near the ruler are the remains of those who were sacrificed to serve him in the next life. But the skeletons of four men with their heads and hands missing were also found near the largest sacrificial pit, and no one is quite sure why these bodies were mutilated before being buried.

Certainly, a headless, handless body wouldn't make for a good servant.

Every new discovery here raises more questions than it answers about Cahokia, said Bill Iseminger, assistant site manager at Cahokia Mounds.

“I believe that new archeological technology will absolutely allow us to solve many of the mysteries of Cahokia,” Iseminger said. “But right now, what with the budget cuts, we're focused mostly on keeping the site intact, just trying to survive so that we can make more people aware of the complexity and brilliance of Native American culture.”

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Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 22:29:10 -0000
 From: "vrnparker" <vrnparker@yahoo.com>

Subject: A question Re:Ameircan Indian Prophecy

A question about these 'prophecies'

Respectful Greetings, I Have a question about all these American Indian Prophecies. Why do none of these prophecies take into account the reality that there are more than a billion India Indians? (real name:Bharatiyas because Indian is the European name given to the natives of Bharat=India)

Are Bharatiyas irrelevant or non-existant? As a firm believer in prophecy and the power of the ancient peoples, I find it odd that not once have I seen an American Indian,Incan,Mayan etc even mention the people of Bharat=India.

Most believe Hindu is another foriegn name invented by Islamic invaders. Like the American Indians, the people of Bharat had no name for their spirituality because the idea of being alive without spirituality did not exist thus no need to name it.

'Hindus' are the world's largest ongoing indigenous civilization but rarely if ever, to my knowledge, have any American Indian people recognized this or even mentioned them. I dont want to offend anyone here, but has the propaganda of the racist and anti-indigenous forces rubbed off on the American Natives? Is that why all these supposed prophecies ignore their existance. Its always the red people, the black people, the yellow people and white people. as far as Im concerned, any prophecy that does not take into account over 1 billion poeple on the planet,that also happens to be the oldest, largest and ongoing indigenous civilization left, is questionable.

Is it really prophecy or has the Great Spirit chosen to hide these facts? Real visions and prophecy are not dependant on available information. It seems to me that most people in America, including the Natives, are totally uninformed about India because they get all their info from the same sources every one else gets it from..ie the mainstraem media.

My heart tells me that the Indians of India and the Indians of the Americas are the same people, not so much by blood but by culture. Just as the Natives of America are many but one, the Bharatiyas (India Indians) are one of these many tribes that are one with the American Indians.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Ancient Sanskrit Pictograph near Sedona, Arizona?

Ancient Sanskrit Pictograph near Sedona, Arizona? Copyright 2-18-2002 by Jack Andrews vrartist@gci-net.com

http://www.viewzone.com/ancientsanskrit.htm Over the years I have made several trips from our home outside Tucson to the Sedona, Arizona area with my wife and family. On one of our recent trips, my wife and I decided to visit a cliff dwelling site south of Sedona: Palatki ruin, noted for a large display of ancient pictographs and some petroglpyhs. For the uninitiated reader, pictographs are ancient symbols and images painted on the rocks and petroglyphs are ancient symbols, and images scratched or incised into the rock surface. Palatki ruin and rock art site sits several miles away from a highway that connects Sedona to Cottonwood. The drive from Sedona takes you down the slope of the Verde Valley, and the turnoff to Palatki guides you through open red dirt desert on an unpaved road back to a group of spectacular Sedona red cliffs. The actual ruin site is in a secluded cove hidden by trees, above a small riparian area created by a ribbon-like waterfall that flows down seasonally from the overhanging cliff above the ancient living quarters.

When we arrived at Palatki, we spent a few minutes appreciating the incredible beauty of the site before making our way to the small ranger station and visitor center, located in an early Western farmer's house under the shade of some large trees. The whole area has a park like quality, and is a very special place.

The U.S. Forest Service brochure on Palatki states:

Palatki and its sister site of Honanki at Loy Butte are the two largest cliff dwellings in the Sedona Red Rocks area. Honanki represents one of the largest population centers in the Verde Valley; this period in Southern Sinagua prehistory is called the “Honanki Phase” and is named after this impressive cliff dwelling. Many of the cliff dwellings in the Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness area were occupied during the “Honanki Phase”. The actual occupation of Honanki was probably between AD 1130-1280, based upon a tree-ring date of 1271, for a wooden window lintel in the upper ruin, as well as pottery shards. Palatki habitation is dated as AD 1100-1300ÖThe pictographs you see here have not yet been scientifically studied. What little we know about them suggests they were created over a long period of time and include several design styles. The earliest may date to the Archaic period (3000-8000 years ago), before the cliff dwellings were constructed.

We then started up the rocky trail leading to the picture writings, which are under a protective overhanging cliff, mostly on vertical walls in a series of shallow alcoves or grottoes. I expected to see some very interesting and mystical pictographs, but I never expected to see a particularly amazing written symbol that was actually waiting, painted on the rock, sitting unrecognized over the centuries, hidden in front of the eyes of countless visitors. As we approached the first grotto, this ancient image was directly in front of my eyes and stood out among the other paintings like a flashing sign. As a lifelong artist I have spent many years using artists tools and paintbrushes and I immediately recognized the red markings applied to the rock here as brush strokes. They taper off at the end of each stroke as clearly as brush strokes in calligraphy. I motioned to my wife Susan to come over and take a look. What does that look like to you? I asked her. Wow! she exclaimed, It looks Tibetan! This coincided exactly with my first impression. I think it looks Chinese, or Tibetan too, I blurted out, excited at the discovery. We immediately took several photos of the symbol for future reference. I have included a few of the photos in this article.

2002 Photo © by Jack Andrews

In my photographs of the symbol you can see two views of what appear to be Chinese or Asian characters painted as pictographs. When I first saw this image I was stunned by the incredible resemblance to some Asian characters. In Ancient American vol 6, no. 41, I wrote an analysis of a small book written in 1913, which translates ancient Chinese text describing visits to Arizona and the Grand Canyon by ancient Asian travelers, so it was quite exciting to discover this symbol unexpectedly, here in Arizona, less than a day's drive from the Grand Canyon.

In another excellent book, Pale Ink: Two Ancient Records of Chinese Exploration in America, Henrietta Mertz had covered the subject of two visits to Arizona, one in 500 A. C. E. by a Buddhist Priest Hwui Shan and another account compiled by the great Yu for the Emperor Shun around 2250 B.C.E.

The red pictographs-like the example I photographed at Palatki-are estimated to be between 3,000 and 6,000 years old. As it was explained to me by a ranger at the site, the pigment is thought to be either iron oxide pigments mixed with blood, red ochre, or iron oxide pigments alone. If we take the Henrietta Mertz date of the 2250 B.C.E. visit above and add it to 2002 (our present date) we come up with a possible visit some 4,252 years ago to Arizona and maybe here at Palatki by ancient Asian travelers!

We then look at the 3,000 to 6,000 year old age attributed to the Palatki pictograph and it becomes evident that the ancient symbol painted on the rock, so long ago, can take on a whole new meaning. As far as I know, this is the first time anyone has suggested a possible Asian or Sanskrit origin of this particular pictograph at Palatki. Was there an ancient Asian visitor or group of visitors to Arizona, who may have painted this very symbol on the rock at Palatki?

I have the photograph of this symbol (as in this article) posted on my web site (Lost Civilizations and Hidden Mysteries) with a brief description of why I think this symbol might be Chinese in origin.

Gene Matlock who has written books and articles on the possibility of an ancient Indian presence in the Americas, visited my web site and was amazed at the resemblance of the pictograph to characters in ancient Indian Sanskrit literature. He too saw these red markings as eastern symbols. And in correspondence, Gene points to a possible Sanskrit origin of this pictograph.

Although its exact birth date is controversial, many scholars agree that Sanskrit may be one of the oldest languages and systems of writing on earth. Even if we consider the later date attributed to classical Sanskrit (1000 B.C.E.) it becomes apparent that the dating of Sanskrit or its Indo-Aryan predecessor language could possibly coincide with the appearance of the Sanskrit look-alike pictograph at Palatki. If Sanskrit is actually much older, then the written language may have been established in the world before the appearance of the pictograph at Palatki. Either way, a traveler from the Indian subcontinent who may have made his/her way to Arizona and Palatki, could have had an awareness or knowledge of Sanskrit or pre-Sanskrit symbols. Native peoples who established contact with such visitors may then have acquired knowledge of-or at least familiarity with-Sanskrit spiritual symbols such as this, the AUM represented at Palatki. Perhaps they would have included these symbols in pictographs at a spiritually important site such as Palatki as they would other powerful symbols. Or perhaps this symbol was contributed by the ancient visitors themselves.

I have decided to include some of the most relevant email correspondences, as they occurred, between Gene Matlock, Jayendra Upadhye and myself, since they relate the interesting speculation on this symbol in the manner it unfolded to us:

Sunday, January 13, 2002 from: Gene Matlock

Jack, when I saw that inscription, supposedly written in Chinese, I knew for sure that it was Sanskrit, and as the writer says, it is the Sanskrit “Om” turned upside down. To make sure, I sent the picture to a Hindu friend in Singapore. Jayendra Upadhye person who speaks a close Sanskrit derivative: Aprabraunsha.

Aprabraunsha is a group of languages deriving directly from Sanskrit and that, combining his facility with Aprabraunsha (Prakrit, and others), with what he does know of Sanskrit, gives him an excellent intuitive background.


Sunday, January 13, 2002 from: Jayendra Upadhye

The letter if at all sanskrit is actually the sanskrit “AUM” pronounced as “Om”. But the tripple syllable has been turned anticlockwise by 90 degrees.

Sanskrit om or aum symbol in your jpg, [The photo in this article] the “half moon and dot in the top part of the “om” have become straight lines. but the hooked features are still visible, though turned 90 deg clockwise.

Pictograph cropped photo turned counter clockwise 90 degrees.

Photo © 2002 by Jack Andrews

Do the people that wrote this use words like “OM”, “AM”“AMEN” “AMIN” etc?

The Arabic “AMIN is same as the latin “Amen” is the same as the indian root sanskrit word “Om” which was considered as the “word of god” the shabda-brahma” or “all encompassing word as it represented the hindu holy trinity A for brahma the creator, U for vishnu the preserver and M for Mahesh the destroyer. Pronounced together, Aum sounds like Om but “is different a bit in that the “m” is to be pronounced nasally without closing the lips as one would so when pronouncing

- Jayen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 from: Gene Matlock

Jack,by now quite a few Hindus have seen the picture of the strange painting at Palatki I sent them. They are really excited, and with good reason. First, the word “Palatki,” (assuming that the Amerindians named it), in itself explains in Sanskrit the reason for the painting being there: Palayat (protection (divine) + G (mystical syllable, utterance, etc.). I sent the picture to three learned men. By now, they've sent it to many others.

There is only one reason for the reason why this syllable “OM” is not written in the correct position. It was probably written on an amulet or talisman. Since not one Hindu in a thousand could read or write in those days, an illiterate person put it there, knowing only that it meant “Om.”

- Gene

Thursday, January 17, 2002 from: Jayendra Upadhye

Gene, I had reached the same conclusion that the person using the “om” was either illiterate or had been a descendant of a person introduced to sanskrit long before he was born. There is a possibility that the “om” was painted by a man who thought of it as a pictogram, and thus thought nothing of turning it around by 90 deg in any direction. secondly if om is painted on a hide amulet and worn on the biceps (as was practice in india ..not regarding om but of tying amulets on the biceps),,then the reader would see the on turned sideways, and may be over time associate a sideways written trisyllable as the “real” om. These were my thoughts after seeing the painting.


Gene also says that dictionary entries in Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon, show that name Palat-ki really derives from the Sanskrit Palayat-gi. Note that the last syllable can be either “gi” or “gir.” Even if the last syllable were “Ki,” you would still be on solid ground because the homes of the ancient North India Hopis, those of Khiva, were called “KI-VA” : Ant Hill Residence. So, it is possible that a great Kiva was once located at Palatki.

The Palatki ruin, and the Sedona region, along with the Verde Valley have a long history and prehistory of human habitation. I have visited other significant ancient sites in the area, such as Montezuma Well and its associated cliff dwelling. Many of these ruins are along creeks, rivers, and watercourses and there are indications that ancient travelers could have migrated along such watercourses, which could have supplied an abundance of wild game and in many cases cultivated foods. Was there an even more ancient group of travelers from the Indian subcontinent who sailed across the oceans and managed to make their way to the interior of the North American continent along such watercourses and on to Arizona, leaving a painted Sanskrit symbol on the red rock cliff face of Palatki?

The striking nature of this pictograph at Palatki demands further investigation and study. This spring Gene Matlock, my wife, Susan Anway and I will return to the Palatki site and search for more evidence of possible Sanskrit writings. There are many questions to ask in relation to such a strange symbol appearing at Palatki. If the symbol was written by someone who had knowledge of Sanskrit, how did this knowledge make its way to Arizona, or was the individual who painted this symbol actually from India? Do the First Peoples of the area have stories of such a visitor or visitors? Was the symbol painted by a Native American of the period who had contact with Indian influences, and if so where and how did such contact occur?

What was the writer of the symbol at Palatki trying to communicate? Parts of the symbol resemble the sacred Om symbol. Was this writer designating Palatki as a spiritual center as Gene Matlock suggests it was (great kiva) ? Palatki certainly is a beautiful place that puts one in a meditative mood. Om or Aum is a symbol of the essence of Hinduism. It can mean: Oneness with the Supreme, and a merging of the physical being with the spiritual. There is a spiritual “doorway” in the rock wall near the end of the trail to the picture writings at Palatki, a large vertical rectangular slab of rock is slightly separated from the cliff. Certain Native American elders believe this dark shadowy separated space defines a door where the spirits of the mountain journey between their world and ours. This certainly hints at the spiritual importance of the site and refers back to the meaning of the Om symbol, painted on the same rock face as that doorway between the physical and the spiritual, just a short distance away.

Palatki has many strange mystical symbols painted on the rocks over the centuries by visitors and inhabitants of the area. Certain Native American tribes still use the location for spiritual ceremonies. Did an ancient travelers from India visit Palatki and meet with native inhabitants, experiencing the sacred nature of this special location, becoming so enthralled that they left this potent and powerful eastern spiritual symbol in red iron oxide pigment as a remembrance to the future, or a gift of spiritual awareness to the site in pictographic form?

The possible importance of this discovery is best stated by Gene Matlock: Jack, Now, this is the first time in history, that I know of, that Sanskrit (pictographs) have been found in the Americas. Possibly the person who wrote this was either neither illiterate or had accustomed himself to writing Sanskrit in the wrong direction. You really have something meaningful here. I personally think that this “Om” syllable is a big discovery, every bit as big as the Decalogue Stone in Los Lunas, New Mexico

Notes: From the U.S. Forest Service handout for the Palatki/Honanki sites, south of Sedona, Arizona

In 1980, after successfully completing the genealogy of his Matlock family line, Gene D. Matlock, then a high school teacher in Azusa, Ca, became ambitious. He said to himself, “If I can find my Matlocks, I can find anything and anybody!” This hyper-confident attitude engendered the following books: Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India, Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews; Yishvara 2000 - The Hindu Ancestor of Judaism Speaks to This Millennium; India Once Ruled the Americas; The Last Atlantis Book Youíll Ever Have to Read; From Khyber (Kheever) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira), NM and Baboquivari, AZ - When India Ruled the World. He is now preparing a serialized online book for the Hindu website, www.vandemataram.com, entitled India Once Ruled the World. Besides these books, he has written articles dealing with India as progenitor of all nations for Viewzone Magazine (www.viewzone.com), Vandemataram, and others. Gene, who has studied Hindu mythology since childhood, received his undergraduate degree from Mexico City College (now University of the Americas), in 1951. Because of his knowledge of Hindu mythology and traditions, he smelled a strong odor of “curry 'n rice” in Mexico, from the moment he first crossed the border in 1948. - by Gene Matlock

Jayendra Upadhye clarifies his use of the word hide as follows: There is a custom in India of wearing amulets on the neck, biceps etc, but not as painted hides, but on paper in enclosed in small metal capsules. Native amerindians might have used hide instead as paper was not in plentiful supply as far as I know, but hide was.

The name Palatki is attributed to archaeologist Jesse Walter Fewkes, who named the site in 1895. The name is Hopi, which Fewkes interpreted as meaning Red House. The Fewkes translation of Palatki may be incorrect.

Possible Ancient Chinese or Tibetan Pictograph in Arizona by Jack Andrews July 10, 2001 Jack Andrews copyright 2001 may be only used in it's entirety with this notice and the notice “First published at” (below) clearly visible and this entire article must be unaltered unless specific written permission is granted by me. Permission is granted to link to this article from another web site - Jack Andrews

First published at “Lost Civilizations and Hidden Mysteries”

Exploration and Imagination with Jack Andrews and Susan Anway

Below you can see two views of what appear to be Chinese or Tibetan (see Learn Tibetan web site) charactor(s). When I first saw this image on the rock at Palatki Ruins/Rock Art site, south of Sedona, Arizona I was, quite frankly stunned, by the incredible resemblence to Chinese charactors. As you may know, I have written an analysis on this web site of a small book written in the early 1900s about speculated visits to Arizona and the Grand Canyon by ancient Chinese. Another excellent book Pale Ink, Two Ancient Records of Chinese Exploration in America, by Henrietta Mertz covers the subject of two Chinese visits to Arizona, one in 500 A. D. by a Buddhist Priest “Hwui Shan” and another account compiled by the great Yu for the emperor Shun around 2250 B.C.

The red pictograph below is estimated to be between 3,000 and 6,000 years old. The pigment (explained to me by a ranger at the site) is thought to be either iron oxide pigments mixed with blood or iron oxide pigments alone and has it been carbon dated to the year dates above.

If we take the Henrietta Mertz date of the 2250 B.C. visit above (at least that is when the account of the visit was documented, the visit itself may have occured before that date) and add it to 2001 A.D. (our current date) we come up with a visit some 4,250 years ago to Arizona (Mertz) by ancient Chinese.

We then look at the 3,000 - 6,000 year old date.. “The abstract symbols, as well as some of the more abstract human figures done in red, are believed to mainly be the work of the Archaic cultures, from 3000-6000 years ago..” - See “About Palatki” … and it becomes evident that the symbol below takes on the possibility of a whole new meaning.


Original photo by Jack Andrews copyright 2001 may be only used in it's entirety with this notice and the notice “First published at” (above) clearly visible and this entire article must be unaltered unless specific written permission is granted by me. Permission is granted to link to this article from another web site - Jack Andrews

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