
Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI-The Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi is at least 1,000 years older than was thought, an archaeological organization said on Saturday on the basis of studies of Pottery. The Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological survey (ADIAS) said its studies on Pottery recovered from the Batten area of Abu Dhabi showed the island was inhabited As far back as the third century A.D.

Historical sources, cited by British colonial officials in the early 19th century, had previously dated the first Abu Dhabi settlement back to around 1761, ADIAS said, “This new evidence of early first millennium A.D. settlement bring the island on which the UAE’s capital city stands firmly into the pattern of settlement within the coastal region of the Emirates, “It said in a statement.

(The above item was published in the Indian Express, Sunday, February 13,2000. Both archaeologists and Newspaper staff must realize that Islam and Christianity are barely 1000 to 1600 years ancient. But the lands they converted are millions of years ancient. Consequently all educated persons must remember that relics discovered in these lands and their names must be traced to their Vedic, Sanskrit origin.)

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