「當我閱讀《博伽梵歌》並思考神如何創造這個宇宙時,其他一切似乎都是多餘的。 」
“When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”
愛因斯坦 Albert Einstein (1879-1955)物理學家
「我感謝《博伽梵歌》讓我過了燦爛的一天。這是書中的第一書;就好像一個帝國對我們說話,沒有什麼小事或沒價值的東西,而是宏大、平靜、一致的聲音,這是一個古老智慧的聲音,它在另一個時代和氣候中思考並解決了與我們相同的問題。 」
“I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us.”
“The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life’s wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion.”
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) 德國詩人、小說作家
「我在西里西亞的鄉間莊園時,我第一次讀到這首印度的詩歌,在這過程中,我對神讓我活著認識這部作品感到無比感激。它一定是世界上最深刻、最崇高的東西。 」
“I read the Indian poem for the first time when I was in my country estate in Silesia and, while doing so, I felt a sense of overwhelming gratitude to God for having let me live to be acquainted with this work. It must be the most profound and sublime thing to be found in the world. “
Humbolt (1767-1835)德國哲學家
「 給予人類心靈進展價值的作品中,《博伽梵歌》最具系統性。這是有史以來最清晰、最全面的對永恆哲學的總結;因此,它的價值不僅在印度、甚至在全人類亦歷久不衰。 」
“The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.”
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) 英國小說作家
「 《博伽梵歌》對上帝的奉獻體現在行動上,對人類精神產生了深遠的影響。 」
“The Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which is manifested by actions.”
「早上,我將我的智慧沐浴在《博伽梵歌》(Bhagavad-Gita) 的驚人宇宙哲學中,相比之下,我們的現代世界及其文學顯得微不足道。」
“In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.”
Henry David Thoreau 梭羅(1817-1862) 美國思想家
“When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow.”When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow.”When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day“
印度國父聖雄甘地 Mahatma Gandhi